Strict Standards: Non-static method Flyspray::absoluteURI() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/ on line 30 Strict Standards: Non-static method Flyspray::get_tmp_dir() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/ on line 79 Strict Standards: Non-static method Flyspray::base_version() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/header.php on line 29 Strict Standards: Non-static method Flyspray::base_version() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/header.php on line 29 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::val() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/header.php on line 39 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::has() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.gpc.php on line 26 Strict Standards: Non-static method Cookie::val() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/header.php on line 49 Strict Standards: Non-static method Cookie::has() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.gpc.php on line 134 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::val() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/header.php on line 52 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::has() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.gpc.php on line 26 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::val() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/header.php on line 52 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::has() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.gpc.php on line 26 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::num() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/feed.php on line 15 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::val() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.gpc.php on line 32 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::has() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.gpc.php on line 26 Strict Standards: Non-static method Filters::num() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.gpc.php on line 32 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::val() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/feed.php on line 21 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::has() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.gpc.php on line 26 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::val() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/feed.php on line 26 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::has() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.gpc.php on line 26 frund::bugtracker frund::bugtrackerfcore: Recently edited tasks 2012-08-29T15:40:21Z FS#157: Ошибки чтения строкового потока 2012-08-29T15:40:21Z 2011-03-08T14:50:13Z
Strict Standards: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::render() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.tpl.php on line 543 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::linkalize_html() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 7 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66

При чтении строкового потока не всегда срабатывают разделители (зависит от формата текстового файла). Для исправления необходимо заменить чтение из потока на fs::ReadLineValue

Victor Getmanski
FS#169: Привести в порядок solution 2012-08-29T15:40:00Z 2011-07-06T10:14:52Z
Strict Standards: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::render() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.tpl.php on line 543 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::linkalize_html() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 7 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66

Привести в порядок solution (вынести .NET проекты в одно место)

Victor Getmanski
FS#144: Во все модули ФОРТРАНа вставить вместо STOP вызов C++ исключения из throw.lib 2012-08-29T15:39:27Z 2010-09-27T10:04:53Z
Strict Standards: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::render() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.tpl.php on line 543 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::linkalize_html() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 7 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66

Во все модули ФОРТРАНа вставить вместо STOP вызов C++ исключения из throw.lib

Victor Getmanski
FS#170: Разработать классы для временных зависимостей 2012-08-29T15:39:08Z 2011-07-06T10:15:58Z
Strict Standards: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::render() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.tpl.php on line 543 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::linkalize_html() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 7 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66

Разработать новые классы для задания временных зависимостей, вулючающих несколько функций от времени.

Victor Getmanski
FS#168: Stress-решатель 2012-08-29T15:38:33Z 2011-07-06T10:14:06Z
Strict Standards: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::render() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.tpl.php on line 543 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::linkalize_html() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 7 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66

Создать решатель и все необходимое для запуска Stress-решателя

Victor Getmanski
FS#155: Не работает препроцессор оптимизации COMMON_блоков 2012-08-29T15:37:26Z 2011-02-18T10:57:49Z
Strict Standards: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::render() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.tpl.php on line 543 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::linkalize_html() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 7 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66

Не заполняется секция EQUIVALENCE(GV,...)

Victor Getmanski
FS#167: Настройка конфигурации для x64 2012-08-29T15:37:02Z 2011-06-29T13:10:45Z
Strict Standards: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::render() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.tpl.php on line 543 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::linkalize_html() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 7 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66

Настройка конфигурации fcore и зависимых библиотек, в т.ч. FORTRAN для x64

Victor Getmanski
FS#158: Очистка модели 2011-06-29T13:07:30Z 2011-03-08T14:51:29Z
Strict Standards: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::render() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.tpl.php on line 543 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::linkalize_html() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 7 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66

При генерации возникает куча файлов, которые после определенных этапов уже не нужны. Необходимо реализовать их удаление

Victor Getmanski
FS#159: Сделать тест общего назначения на сохранение заголовков 2011-06-29T12:55:24Z 2011-03-08T14:52:51Z
Strict Standards: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::render() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.tpl.php on line 543 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::linkalize_html() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 7 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66

Сделать тест общего назначения на сохранение заголовков, так как это требуется при запуске расчета с выбранными наборами параметров, при запуске анализа с выбранным набором параметров,

для изменения параметров и для сохранения модели

Victor Getmanski
FS#160: Сделать привязку тестов к общим папкам 2011-06-29T12:55:15Z 2011-03-08T14:54:39Z
Strict Standards: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::render() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.tpl.php on line 543 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::linkalize_html() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 7 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66 Strict Standards: Non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::make_links_callback() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/plugins/richtext/ on line 66

Из-за того, что многим тестом в качестве входной и эталонной папки требуются одинаковые данные, приходится копировать много раз одну и ту же модель.

Это плохо для диска, так как в моделях по-прежнему куча файлов. Необходимо организовать работу нескольких тестов с общими папками

Victor Getmanski