Strict Standards: Non-static method Flyspray::absoluteURI() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/ on line 30 Strict Standards: Non-static method Flyspray::get_tmp_dir() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/ on line 79 Strict Standards: Non-static method Flyspray::base_version() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/header.php on line 29 Strict Standards: Non-static method Flyspray::base_version() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/header.php on line 29 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::val() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/header.php on line 39 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::has() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.gpc.php on line 26 Strict Standards: Non-static method Cookie::val() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/header.php on line 49 Strict Standards: Non-static method Cookie::has() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.gpc.php on line 134 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::val() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/header.php on line 52 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::has() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.gpc.php on line 26 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::val() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/header.php on line 52 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::has() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.gpc.php on line 26 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::enum() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/index.php on line 20 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::val() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.gpc.php on line 37 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::has() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.gpc.php on line 26 Strict Standards: Non-static method Filters::enum() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.gpc.php on line 37 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::has() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/index.php on line 26 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::has() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/index.php on line 26 Strict Standards: Non-static method Cookie::has() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/index.php on line 33 Strict Standards: Non-static method Get::val() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/index.php on line 41 Strict Standards: Non-static method Get::has() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.gpc.php on line 100 Strict Standards: Non-static method Get::val() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/index.php on line 100 Strict Standards: Non-static method Get::has() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.gpc.php on line 100 Strict Standards: Non-static method Flyspray::requestDuplicated() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/index.php on line 109 Strict Standards: Non-static method Req::has() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/index.php on line 148 Strict Standards: Non-static method Get::val() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/scripts/roadmap.php on line 62 Strict Standards: Non-static method Get::has() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.gpc.php on line 100 frund::bugtrackerПлан работ


План работ для версии 0.5b Развернуть все | Свернуть все

83% из 12 задач(-и) завершены (-ные). 2 задач открыто:

Strict Standards: Non-static method Flyspray::GetTaskDetails() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.tpl.php on line 175 Strict Standards: Non-static method Flyspray::GetAssignees() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.flyspray.php on line 358 Strict Standards: Non-static method Filters::noXSS() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.tpl.php on line 189 FS#154 - Не устанавливаются отладочные установки по минимальной жесткости Развернуть Свернуть
Strict Standards: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::render() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.tpl.php on line 543 <p>Некорректно генерируется .ras-файл на шаге расчет. Тест GenerateScripts для модели kamaz10.</p>
Strict Standards: Non-static method Flyspray::GetTaskDetails() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.tpl.php on line 175 Strict Standards: Non-static method Flyspray::GetAssignees() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.flyspray.php on line 358 Strict Standards: Non-static method Filters::noXSS() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.tpl.php on line 189 FS#164 - Создать тест на MPH-заголовок Развернуть Свернуть
Strict Standards: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method richtext_TextFormatter::render() should not be called statically in /hosts/frund/www/bugs/includes/class.tpl.php on line 543 <p>Создать тест на MPH-заголовок. Следует выделять в вещественные строки параметры интегрирования и шаг сетки, остальное - полное сравнение</p>

План работ для версии 0.6a

100% из 3 задач(-и) завершены (-ные).

План работ для версии 0.6b

0% из 0 задач(-и) завершены (-ные).

План работ для версии 0.7a

0% из 0 задач(-и) завершены (-ные).

Текстовая версия